Sad Griffin Totem Extra long wooden walking stick cane Hiking staff

The Sad Griffin Dark Wood Totem
Extra long wooden hand carved crafted walking/hiking stick staff or cane
Designed by GC Artis Workshop, Ukraine. ORIGINAL CANE HAS THE METAL MEDALLION with the ARTIST'S LOGO!
Consist of 3 parts: all sections are connected by reliable screw connection.
It's a really Emotional Energy Wood Art - Directly from the Artist Woodcarver
This is done with love from a natural material and carries a strong energy to its owner: we used an Oak which is deeply meaningful in mythology - slow growth, very strong and impressive wood
SIZE: up to 56 inches in length
SUPPORTS: up to 300 lbs
USE: unisex, well for right-handers and Left-handers
WEIGHT: 680 gram approx
PROCESSING: Woodcarving
ARTIST: Ukrainian artist Maestro SHESTOPALOV SERGIY
The cane is arranged in a totem style, blending western and other traditions, in an extremely flowing style, maximizing the natural tone and texture of wood, impressively, without compromising function - this walking cane is comfortable and deep - this is no native art. This is magic!
The Griffin is a symbol of intelligence and fidelity, protector from evil, witchcraft and secret slander. In Christian mythology, manifesting embedded sanctity of ethereal within flesh, The griffins are depicted as having the bodies of lions and heads of eagles.
They not only do mate for life, but if either partner died, then the other would continue the rest of its life alone, never to search for a new mate - The sadness of the Griffin is in memory of eternal love on earth and everlasting matrimonial fidelity.
The engraving is impressive, the wood - excellent, sturdy, the varnish is smooth and is endowed with a dark deep hue, adding to the visual effect.
Every detail is meant to maximize the natural aesthetic traits of wood. And how successful this effect is!!.
This is a real unique MASTERPIECE.... But it's not just is a very reliable and effective walking stick
FUNCTION: It well for those who use it that wishes to have additional accessories underlining individual style at walking on city streets, that who wishes to receive convenience at walking on wild district and perhaps they who find a Stick useful for Protection against wild animals and they who want a pleasant walking instrument companion
Caution! This walking cane is a fully functional & probably it more convenient than a most of usual canes but if you have serious musculoskeletal disease or are prone to fall or have suffered surgery after a fracture / insertion of an artificial limb or artificial bone / joint, then we do not recommend to use this cane before consultation and approval by your doctor only